The Adventures of Officer Jack! follows the actions of Officers Jack and Kate as they respond to emergencies in Hamilton Township to protect people, preserve property, and stop crime.
If your kids loved Uncle Rocky, they will love Officer Jack and Kate too.
If you’d like to inspire your young ones to respect, honor, and appreciate your towns public servants, like police officers, this is the audio for you.
Jack and Kate face numerous situations frequently encountered by our local police and handle each case expeditiously, properly, and happily. Those are the ideals we want from them, and hearing true stories about how police do handle so many issues is sure to inspire the respect and appreciation of these most necessary public servants.
Here are the story titles and times:
1. Lost Lady – 6:39
2. Underwater – 3:54
3. Rapid Response – 5:01
4. Stolen Puppy – 6:33
5. Baby’s Breath – 6:13
6. Trusty Tinsley – 6:06
7. Tourniquet for Heroes – 7:16
8. The Man in the Jacket – 5:09
9. Accident – 5:58
10. Traffic Stop – 5:38
11. Final Farewell – 11:10
12. Home Invasion – 11:54
13. The Hungry Man – 5:10
Total Listening Time – 1 hour, 24 minutes.